What Are The Dimensions of an Egg?

Laying eggs is specific to fish, reptiles, and birds; birds’ product is a delicacy worldwide. There are different types of eggs; only fish and bird eggs are edible.

Characteristically, eggs are oval, and some have tapering ends, especially the bigger ones. One of the most misunderstood things is the dimensions of eggs. When you look up the size of eggs, you can only learn about their weights and how you should size them for cooking.

Luckily, since we go into details about dimensions, you will get to learn more about what makes your favorite omelet. So get on board and let us explore different types of eggs and how their sizes compare.

Quail Egg Dimensions

Quail and quail eggs are very popular in the culinary world. One might be curious to know the dimensions of these spotty eggs.

A quail egg is about a fourth the size of a chicken egg. It measures 1¼ inches long and 1 inch wide. The egg looks like a very small chicken egg, and the dimensions are as follows;

  • Length: 35mm (1.4 in)
  • Diameter: 27mm (1 in)

Pheasant Egg Dimensions

Pheasant eggs look like duck eggs, but the bird is slightly bigger than chicken. They taste more like quail eggs but considering they are game birds, they still taste gamey.

The eggs are about half the size of a chicken egg but double that of a quail egg. They have a pale, olive-green, or brownish shell. The dimensions are;

  • Length: 45mm (1.8 in)
  • Diameter: 30-36mm (1-1.4 in)

Bantam Chicken Egg Dimensions

Bantam chickens are smaller than regular chickens and can be one-half or two-thirds the size of regular birds. Bantam eggs are smaller in dimension than standard eggs, about half the size of the eggs.

Bantam of standard fowl may lay slightly larger eggs than true bantams, which are more prolific. However, the dimensions of the eggs are average all through.

  • Length: 58mm (2.2 in)
  • Diameter: 40mm (1.6 in)

Large Hen Egg Dimensions

Chicken eggs are popularly used for most delicacies around the world. However, not all chickens are equal, so the egg sizes will differ. For example, the large hen gives bigger chicken than other chicken species. However, chicken eggs are graded into categories depending on their sizes.

PeeweeLength: 40mm (1.6 in)Diameter: 27mm (1 in)
SmallLength: 42mm (1.6 in)Diameter: 29mm (1 in)
MediumLength: 52mm (2 in)Diameter: 38mm (1.4 in)
LargeLength: 55mm (2.1 in)Diameter: 39mm (1.5 in)
Extra-large Length: 62mm (2.4 in)Diameter: 43mm (1.6 in)
JumboLength: 63mm (2.5 in)Diameter: 43mm (1.6 in)

Duck Egg Dimensions

Duck eggs are bigger than chicken eggs, so they have more cholesterol, fat, protein, and calories. Typically, a duck egg weighs 3.5 ounces, while an extra-large chicken egg weighs 2.5 ounces. Therefore, a duck egg is around 50% bigger than a chicken egg.

Duck eggs are also unique, considering they come in various colors. They can be grey, brown, speckled, light-green, or black. The dimensions of the average duck egg are;

  • Length: 65mm (2.6 in)
  • Diameter:44mm (1.7 in)

Large Duck Egg Dimensions

Normal ducks have eggs that are 50 larger than chicken eggs. On the other hand, large ducks can have eggs between 75% and 100% larger than chicken eggs.

Besides the size, they also have a bigger yolk than chickens in deeply orange. However, the eggs could be almost the same size as Jumbo chicken eggs. The dimensions are given as follows;

  • Length: 70mm (2.8 in)
  • Diameter: 47mm (1.8 in)

Turkey Egg Dimensions

Turkey and chicken are both farm animals reared for their meat and eggs. As a result, they both lay eggs that are fit for human consumption. Turkey eggs are white with brown speckles and weigh around 3.1 ounces. However, chicken eggs are smaller than turkey eggs.

Turkey eggs are about 1.25 times bigger than large chicken eggs and have a pointed tip. Average chicken eggs are around 2 inches and 1.5 inches in diameter. Turkey eggs are 2.55 inches long and 1.7 inches in diameter, so they are bigger than chicken eggs.

  • Length: 65mm (2.5 in)
  • Diameter: 44mm (1.7 in)

Goose Egg Dimensions

When you look at a goose egg, you will notice that it is around three times bigger than chicken eggs. The goose egg is the largest of the common barnyard poultry. On average, the egg is 3 to 4 inches long with a diameter of around 2.5 inches.

The yolk from a goose egg can sometimes be larger than chicken eggs and can be used for various recipes. Even the shell is harder than that of the chicken. In summary, the dimensions of a goose egg are;

  • Length: 90mm (3.5 in)
  • Diameter: 55mm (2.1 in)

Macaw Egg Dimensions

Blue and Gold Macaws are large parrots with blue upper bodies and golden yellow undersides. These birds can weigh around 900 to 1200 pounds. Macaw eggs are slightly bigger than quail eggs but smaller than chicken eggs. The dimensions are given as follows;

  • Length: 62mm (2.4 in)
  • Diameter: 43mm (1.6 in)

Crocodile Egg Dimensions

Birds, fish, and reptiles lay eggs, including crocodiles. While a crocodile could grow over 15 feet long, its eggs are almost the size of a chicken egg but shaped differently. The sizes of the eggs differ depending on the species of the crocodile.

Some are 2 inches long, while others can go past 3 inches with a tapering end. The eggs weigh roughly 3 ounces; thus, they are heavier than average chicken and duck eggs. The dimensions are given as follows;

  • Length: 76mm (3 in)
  • Diameter: 50mm (1.9 in)

Ostrich Egg Dimensions

Ostriches are considered rarities which are large flightless birds that include emus, rheas, and kiwis ostriches. There are two kinds of ostriches in the world; the normal ostrich and the Somali ostrich.

Compared to other eggs, the ostrich has the biggest of any other bird eggs. An average ostrich egg can weigh around 1522 g (3.35 lb.). The dimensions are given as follows;

  • Length: 152 mm (6 in)
  • Diameter: 127mm (5 in)

Which is the Biggest Egg in the World?

Ostrich eggs are the biggest in the world in both weight and size. The eggs are almost five times bigger than chicken and duck eggs. The egg weighs around 3 pounds, and the shell is roughly 2.2 millimeters thick.

However, the egg takes a more oval shape, and it might take more than 220 pounds (99.7 kg) of weight to break. Female ostriches can lay between 40 and 130 eggs yearly, and a nest can hold more than 60 eggs.

The second biggest egg in the world is that of a Rhea bird. Rhea birds are also flightless birds and less big than ostriches. However, they are twice bigger as chickens and half the size of an adult ostrich.

The egg of a rhea bird weighs around 21 ounces (595 g) which is ten times heavier than chicken eggs. The average rhea egg is 127 mm (5 in) long and 88.9 mm (3.5 in) wide.

Which is the Smallest Egg in the World?

The hummingbird eggs are the smallest in the world because their sizes can only compare to jelly beans. However, with over 350 different species of hummingbirds, the egg sizes might vary by a small margin.

These eggs are only small because the birds are also small, the biggest being slightly over nine inches long. The egg measures 7 mm (0.27 in) long and 5.25 mm (0.2 in) in diameter, weighing around 0.027 g.

How do you Measure the Dimensions of an Egg?

The best way to measure the size of an egg is using a Vernier caliper. It gives the length and diameter accurately without missing the mark. A ruler will also suffice if you do not have a Vernier caliper around you.

So far, this guide contains the necessary details about egg dimensions that you should know. The birds listed here are known to many people, and you do not struggle to identify them. If you like experimenting, you can measure the size of the eggs in your pantry.

At least you will be learning something new every day. To use a ruler, place the egg on the table and mark the endpoints. Next, tie a thread around the egg and measure the length of the thread on the ruler. Finally, you can use the circumference to calculate the diameter.